Wednesday, September 28, 2011




1.- Allwirring to be 16 GA. or Heavier
2.- Required fuel lind I.D

Fuel System
Valve P/N Fuel Supply Fuel Return Pressure Max. (PSI)
42-159 3/8" 5/16 65

The pollak 42-159 selector valve is intended for use only in fuel systems operating below specified max. valve pressure (see note 2 above) and with:

Vehicles with one main and one auxiliaryfuel tank.

My Nikon D50

I recently purchased a Nikon D50 w/ 18 to 55mm nikon lens.
Absolutely amazing how simple this camera is to operate. Its
versitility for the amatuer is unsurpassed. The quality of photos
is razor sharp, color perfect, and so easy to deal with. I added
a Nikon 55to 200mm telephoto and was not dissappointed. I also
own a Nikon coolpix 7900 but the lenses and the D50 outperform it plus
the flash range is so much greater. I believe the D50 is a great
bang for the buck especailly when you want quality photos.

Avoid Plagiarism or Copyright Violations

Recently, I wrote a guide based on information found in an online article. carefully, I gave credit where credit was due and cited the article where the infomation came from. After writing the article, I looked around at other guides and pulled up one that was almost word for word, including diagrams of the article I had cited. My first thought was that someone would think that I took the information from another guide. Afterthinking it through,I realized that many people just don't understand the way to handle copyrighted material.
Maybe, many people don't realize what they can or cannot do. So I will do my best to share. Maybe the copyright issue bugs me so much because I teach research writing to students, and many just don't get it. Students have been use to the lower elementary grades where a report was cutting pictures out of a magazine and copying information word for word for a report and putting their name on the page as author. Not wanting to discourage little ones, we say "how nice". No wonder as people write, they have ingrained in them that same mentality. Let me take some time to explain what can and cannot be done.
First of all, the obvious,we can't take another person's work, put our name on it and claim it as our own. The response might be, only one part, one paragraph, one anything. Bottom line, if we didn't think of it, it isn't our work. Atlas, we might say, we shall paraphrased or summarize it. Still not our own. What do we do?
If the work is published research, then allwe have to do is give the person credit for the partwe used. This means if they used research, wrote in a certain way, gave information that is not gemon knowledge, then easy, give the person credit for the work. All we have to do is say according to... or such and such said. Another way, is to get permission form the author and state permission was given.
You might say that if the work is not copyrighted, then we don't have to cite it. Wrong. Did you know that the minute someone writes something it is copyrighted. Even email. This information was learned at an Intel workshop that I attended. The reality iswe can't go around copying and pasting from someone else's auctions. If we like what they write, email them for permission, or offer to pay for the right to use their work. Now, if the writing is 50 years old, we can use it provided the copyright was not renewed.
I am amazed after looking around online for ideas for my auctions, how many creative people allow information or art to be used as long as you give them credit or use a banner from their site.
A few years ago there was a lawsuit from Disney about a daycare that was using Mickey Mouse on their building. The fact is, Disney was right. They created Mikey Mouse. If we have a business and use someone else's material to get business, they need to be gepensated. One time I went to a website that had a lot of Disney pictures and Disney clip art. It stated the pictures were public domain. Disney has no pictures that are public domain. Anyone that uses them needs to purchase a license or buy the licensed clip-art.Using someone else's work is like going to the grocery store, drinking a soda, and not paying for it.
This is what we should do:
Any work, or wording, or organizing that is not our own needs to be cited. If that information is found or worded by that one individual, it belongs to that person. We should not copy and paste from another article or auction. However, we don't need to cite gemon knowledge. For example the year, an inventor, place of birth, etc. If we are researching information for a product, and everyone says the same thing, we don't need to site that because it is gemon knowledge. We can use. Let's face it. How many ways can you say a bead is 4mm? gemon sense is needed.
As sincere honest people, let's get with it on okay and not violate copyrights by taking someone's wording in an auction, taking pictures, or writing guides using someone else's words. We have our own unique personalities that we put into the descriptions of our auctions, so let's get with it, so we can as okay would say get "it". Please notice, I gave okay credit for their word.

Sellers Who Cannot Ship in a Timely Manner

Many sellers have lengthy statements in their auctions, telling you how they ship and on what schedule. Some ship daily, twice a week on certain days or once a week. Most are genuine, but others will drag their feet and blame missed shipping dates on their triplets, the dog, and all sorts of issues that are likely bogus. Especially when the slow shipping issue is pointed out bylots of their buyers. Check out the seller's past history before buying. See if they ship promptly. What should be the expected time for receipt following your purchase? Check the auction and see if they ship within one or two days. After all, when they have your money, shouldn't the product be enroute quickly? If they show they ship by Priority Mail and it takes you several weeks to get your package, look at the date on the shipment. It's almost inevitable it was not shipped when it should have been. The Postal Service can, and does, lose a package now and then but the date never lies.
Finally, look out for the seller who badmouths their customers when they geplain about the shipping time. It's the seller who controls the time to ship, and you should expect gemunications if there is an unexpected, legitimate holdup in your package shipping. Some do not gemunicate well, and then call buyers names and act veryrude if they geplain or leave less than stellar feedback.Honesty and trust is the key to a great transaction.


Find an old license plate at a flea market, a garage sale oran auto junkyard, I actually bought mine on okay!
Mark the center of the license plate, and cut it in half crosswise with metal cutters. Sand the cut edges smooth with sandpaper. One half will form the front cover; the other, the back. The cut edges will be on the left side of the finished album.

Punch two holes on the left side of the license-plate halves by hammering a metal hole punch into them. Be sure to line up the two halves so the holes match. Ribbons will be threaded through the holes to hold thealbum together.
Trace around one half of the license plate onto pieces of construction paper to create pages for the book. Cut out the pages.
Place the front cover on top of one of the pages, and mark the location of the punched holes with a pencil. Stack the pages together, and punch holes in them with a hole punch.

Assemble the book by placing the pages between the covers and stringing a piece of ribbon from front to back through the top holes. Tie the ribbon in a knot. Thread a ribbon through the two bottom holes and tie a knot. Glue photos, stickers or stamps onto the pages--or write messages. You may want to use acid-free paper if you'll be adding photos.
If you are more advanced and have tried out the easier way with the ribbon, you can also use metal hinges and use these to hold together the two parts of your new license plate album. For a thicker slbum, cut the license plate in three parts (using a thinner part for the spine).

This album works well as a gift and can be personalized for everybody, I have had a lot of praises for these albums and they make great gifts especially for Dads....

Thoughts on Ariel by Sylvia Plath

I have long been a fan of Sylvia Plath, having read The Bell Jar several times, and I also love poetry, so I was very happy when I found this copy of Ariel; I took the opportunity to read it before putting it up for sale in my okay store.

The poet Robert Lowell wrote a glowing introduction, extolling the creative rush the poet had in the months before her final suicide attempt was, well, final.

From "Lady Lazurus":

The second time I meant
To last it out and not gee back at all.
I rocked shut

As a seashell.
They had to call and call
And pick the worms off me like sticky pearls.

Is an art, like everything else.
I do it exceptionally well

This poem shows the cry for help she was making. Another poem gepares these multiple attempts to the lives of a cat. She at that time was on number 4 of 9 lives. The imagery is powerful, and haunting.

I wonder how many people read Sylvia Plath out of curiosity, romanticizing suicide, especially since copies of her semi-autobiographical work, The Bell Jar, fly out of my bookstore, and are primarily purchased by women in their late teens and early 20s. As I read Ariel and other Poems, I was startled that Sylvia Plath gave the people in her life such obvious notice that she was suicidal. Even after multiple serious attempts, the doctors brought her back and sent her home. She wrote copiously to her mother, who wrote her back, but did not jump on a plane in alarm. Her husband was elsewhere with another woman (who years later killed herself and their child in an exact copy of Sylvia's suicide), and did not intervene. Magazine publishers read and published exerpts from her work, but did not take it to a more human level.

The truth is that this gifted poet was the mother of 2 children whose lives were endangered by her turning on the gas in the apartment, and changed forever by her dying. She deserved better from her society than having them ignore her naked need. And finally, there is nothing romantic about putting your head in a gas oven. You don't look romantically beautiful and limp afterward- The Journal of Forensic Science, Vol. 7, 1962, "Carbon Monoxide Poisoning" by Theodore Rowan, M.B., B.S. and Frank C. Coleman, B.A., M.D. "describes variations from those looking more or less natural pink to those with a cyanotic appearance from marked flushing of the capillaries and veins of the face and neck with bluish-red blood, resembling acute or subacute suffocation."

So- While we can enjoy the poems for the art that they are; and I do believe that her imagery, use of metaphor, and ability to find words to describe raw emotions is genius, I believe that it is important to remember that this is reflective of subjective human experience; a state experienced at a particular point in time, not a prescription. You know- like your parents always asked- "If everybody was jumping off a bridge, would you jump too?"

Note: My copy of this book is the original collection selected and edited by Sylvia Plath's husband, Ted Hughes. A new edition, verbatim to Sylvia's manuscript, with an introduction by her daughter, Frieda Hughes, has just been issued, with mixed reviews. Both versions have their merits. The original selections have been made by her husband, and edited for "redundancy", with his opinions about redundancy providing some censorship as well. We also have the benefit of the English Poet Laureate's eye for how a poem needs to flow, with an intimate knowledge of the poet. The new volume gives us a chance to see the work as she wanted it to be, and to see the previously hidden work of a great artist, colored by the emotional tenor of the daughter she left behind.

Roto Weeder (And other As Seen on TV gems)

You might as well just take your money and use it as toilet paper than to spend it on a Roto Weeder. At first glance, this tool promises to make gardening a little more handicapped accessible. The unfortunate reality is that the rachet breaks almost immediately. That's when you notice that the gepany behind the thing, As Seen On TV, conveniently forgets to put an address, phone number, or any other contact information on that "NIB" package it came in. So, sellers should take note, because us buyers are going to hold it against YOU.