Monday, September 5, 2011

SECRETS COMPARED: Cleaning NES Cartridge Game Contacts

Game Cleaning Secrets gepared: A Clean Game is a Happy Game!Perhaps youre a retro video game hunter and collector. You find super rare game and get home only to find that game contains 20 years of dirt and corrosion on the contacts. While treasure hunting at one of my favorite pawn shops, I was talking with the owner. He explained to me that for the past twenty years hes been trading kids their dirty games for one of his cleaned ones. This guide reviews some of the wisdom he shared with me about cleaning games. I've added in a number of tips that I've received from other collectors as well. As always, proceed at your own risk and do your research and safe testing before trying to clean your rarer games.

First off, its handy to be able to open the games. This generally isnt 100% necessary, but its insanely helpful for those stubborn games. Additionally, its quite useful if you ever want to change your video games battery in order to regain saved game functionality. There are two main bits that youll want to pick up if youre a collector. Both of these bits fit into your standard screwdriver handle. Additionally, both game opening security bits can be purchased at my the Video Game Museum okay Store.

3.8mm video game security bits allow you to open your Original 8-bit NES, SNES, and N64 video game cartridges. If' you're an old school Nintendo game collector like me, this is a must have.4.5mm video game security bit allow you to open your Super Nintendo, Nintendo 64, and Game Cube consoles. Additionally, itll allow you to open your Sega console and Sega Genesis

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