Monday, September 5, 2011

It May Be Impossible To Get 100% Positive Feedback

I have been an okay Power Seller for many years and began on okay in 1998 when it was like the wild west. I currently have a 99.9% positive feedback score with 6239 positives (5404 uniques) and 5 negatives.

In the early days of okay anyone could leave feedback on any member, even if they never had a transaction. This may seem strange today, but I suppose the idea was that an okayer that helped another okayer could leave positive feedback. Or on the other side, if you discovered what you thought might be a bad okayer you could of course leave negative feedback.

So, any seller on those early days could get underserved negative feedback from anyone that didn't like the way his auction ad was written. I myself ended up with 3 out of my 5 negatives in the first year on okay and believe me it had nothing to do with my actions as a seller nor my performance or honesty. There are just people out there looking to shoot anyone down they can. The other two I received were retaliation feedbacks.

We all know that the feedback system has flaws and okay over the years has refined it over and over, but it still doesn't take into account the retaliation feedback factor. So what is this Retaliation Feedback Factor you might ask? Well, lets say you are a seller and you run a nice clean auction or sale on okay. You then find the "Buyer From Hell" who just won't play by the rules. He might geplain after the fact that the S

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