Sunday, July 26, 2009


Hi Ladies, I am really hoping that some of you have experience with your own web sites. Any advice you can give would be greatly appreciated. I am particularly looking for advice on a shopping cart. It's hard to know who you can trust and who will not require a large percentage of your sales..Also what do you like in the appearance of a web site? if you could post a link to your favorites I would love to see what they look like. I have been to some sites that instantly make me want to leave.


Happy Saturday

I had a great time "granny" sitting today. She had fun folding and refolding towels, and hiding shoes. I worked my rear end off today. I made a skirt for my scrap room table. I still need to add ribbon or something to it. And made another peg board and added a frame around it. The other peg board I had was a darker pink than I wanted. I am so proud and I did all by myself. Heres some pics: And heres my new printer and i made from right next to it for my Pazzles: oh and I added these last week: Love is the condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own. ~Robert Heinlein

Orignal From: Happy Saturday

Would these paper scraps be useful?

Good evening! I hope y'all don't mind me asking this but I wasn't sure where else to go. When I cut the papers for my air freshener inserts I have both 1 inch and 3.5 inch widths of 12" paper left over. I've used some for my greeting cards and invitations but can't possibly use them all. Would people that scrapbook be able to use these or should I just toss them out? I'd hate to throw something away that someone could use. That just doesn't seem natural! lol Thank you!

Orignal From: Would these paper scraps be useful?

Wishing you a HAPPY Sunday

Well since it is about 3:30 am here in SC I am getting ready for beddy bye time. Hopefully I will find myself in front of my computer some time later today. We plan to go to the flea market to sell the rest of the puppies. I forgot all about taking pictures so I hope I remember before we leave. We stayed up playing Cashflow and guess what I won for the first time tonight and won 2 time in a row. Ya'll have a great day! Friendship is like peeing on yourself: everyone can see it, but only you get the warm feeling that it brings.

Orignal From: Wishing you a HAPPY Sunday

Packaging 12 x 12 and 12 x 15 albums

I have some creative memories albums, pages and page protectors to sell that I bought over 2 years ago and know that I'm never going to get around to using them! I generally sell clothes so hello to all the boardes here!! How do you pack your large albums? They're too big for priority boxes? Do you wrap them in bubble wrap and ship without a box or what is the best way and how do you find shipping supplies? Also would it be best to stick them in my store or put them on auction? Separately or as lots? Thank you so much for any help!

Orignal From: Packaging 12 x 12 and 12 x 15 albums


Hi everyone! I copied this from another board..I was just lurking around and stumbled onto this very funny post. This guy has WAY more on his post than this.. Thought you might like a laugh! Really Bad Auction Acronyms * OOAK = Only Oddballs Actually Know * NWOT = Not What Others Think * NWT = Now With Tear * NR = No Refunds, No Returns, No Retards * NIB = Noticibly Includes Bend (or Break) * NEW = Not Exactly Worn (only tried on) * MIB = Mashed Inside Box * LMAO = Laughing My Appendix Out * LOL = Loony Old Lady * ROTF = Really Old Tired Feeling * IMHO = Idiotic Moronic Horrible Opinion * ASAP = At Slow Agonizing Pace * FWIW = Forgot What I Wanted * OP = Obnoxious Person * NARU = Nasty And Really Ugly Really Bad Word Usage * sliver = shiny metal (not glod) * glod = shiny metal (not sliver) * bowel = a container for cereal or salad (s/b bowl) * differant = not the same (s/b different) * bidded = placed a bid (s/b bid) * payed = made a payment (s/b paid) * hugh = really large (s/b huge) * definately = for sure (s/b definitely) * satan = a smooth shiny cloth (s/b satin) * alot = large quantity (s/b a lot) * there = belonging to them * their = not here * hear = near you * here = listen to something * your = contraction of "you are" * you're = belonging to you * then = in comparison * than = before now * to = in addition, also * too = towards a destination * loose = to misplace something * lose = not tight fitting * advise = a piece of helpful information * advice = to provide helpful information * plague = an award or other wall hanging * plaque = a devastating infestation * except = to agree to take * accept = everything but Jackie

Orignal From: OT..But FUNNY!

OT: Anyone from the Flooded Iowa Area

My heart is with you and hope the area will recover quickly. The flooding looks back from the news broadcasts.

Orignal From: OT: Anyone from the Flooded Iowa Area

Help identifying this font

I have downloaded this font and have used it but now I cannot find it on my computer amongst the 1000's of fonts that I have! Does anyone recognize this and know the name of it? Thanks in advance!!

Orignal From: Help identifying this font

Paint Shop Pro Users - A Journaling Question

I have a rather long journaling story to write. I would like to use some grungy digital paper for the background, so was thinking about using PSP and its Text tool. Is there an easy way to type up the long story, breaking it into paragraphs and having the lines come out sort of even? Typing directly into PSP doesn't work very well. There is no way to control the line breaks so the paragraphs go into one very long line. I find I have to manually add a break and then if it dooesn't come out even, I have to backspace and rebreak the lines. Very time consuming. Then if I change the size of the box, I have to change the breaks all ove again. I tried typing it in Word, then copy and paste into PSP, but the line breaks don't copy over. Each paragraph becomes one long line of text. If it won't work in PSP, is there a way to use Word? I could import the background, but then how do I type over the background? Thanks!

Orignal From: Paint Shop Pro Users - A Journaling Question

Custom Layout Question

Have you ever gotten a request for a custom layout from someone with a FB score of 0? This customer has been a member for over a year with no feedback. Am I being paranoid?

Orignal From: Custom Layout Question

Why does this bug me soooo much?

Ok, so I just got my package form Joann's today, and I got some new colors of making memories acrylic paint. So while I was out shopping for cute new storage stuff, for my new house, I decided to bring a bottle in with me to try to find something to store all my pretty colorful paint bottles in. Suddenly... I dropped the bottle of Funky Vintage Deep Sea on the ground. The flip cap broke off. And not just in an annoying I can just stick it back on kinda way. In order to use it now I have to unscrew the lid, or use tweezers to pull out the tiny other little piece that broke off of the broken lid... argh!!!! Now the whole purpose of shopping for a pretty way to display it is defeated. And I know, I really do know that it is under $2 for the thing, but it just won't stop bugging me. Maybe it's from my lack of sleep last night. I actually find it super funny that I am so annoyed. LOL. So my question now is, did anybody else get super duper annoyed today by something that is teeny tiny and completely unworthy of that much irritation? Kimberly

Orignal From: Why does this bug me soooo much?

Did Anyone Notice???????????

I was searching the Pulse top 10's this morning and not one group appears on any of them! If I am not wrong BTDL used to be number 3 on the list and TPHH

Orignal From: Did Anyone Notice???????????

Help! New to scrapbooking - need inspiration for Grandparent book

Hi everyone, Well, as my topic title says, I'm very new to scrapbooking! I've made 1 book with my daughter for a preschool family project and LOVED it! Now I am probably being overly ambitious, but my in-laws 40th anniversary is coming up at the end of the summer. They have 4 grandchildren and I thought it would be nice to put together a grandchild themed scrapbook. How would you do one? Chronological? Theme based (ex: Halloween page, Christmas page)? Pages for each grandchild separately? Ugh! Help, please! Thank you, thank you for any inspiration and advice! Jodi

Orignal From: Help! New to scrapbooking - need inspiration for Grandparent book

eBay Live Share Your Wares and Party

Hi everyone, we are hosting a special Share Your Wares and party on the eBay Live Board today through tomorrow evening. Sellers are invited to post two of your auctions and everyone is invited to join the fun. The theme is eBay (of course) and Chicago. Please join the fun. Link Maeve

Orignal From: eBay Live Share Your Wares and Party

Is it just me? Can't see IDs on threads....

My internet has been a little wonky for the past couple of days and today is the second day that I'm not able to see the names of the posters in the board threads. The stars are there, feedback numbers are there, but no ID's. Weird. Anyone else? Brenda

Orignal From: Is it just me? Can't see IDs on threads....

Q*V*C today: 5 payments on anything

If there are scrapping machines, supplies, etc. you need on QVC, today's the day to get them. Everything, not just scrappy. Everything you buy can be broken into 5 monthly charges on your credit get the items now and pay later. Good deal. Brenda

Orignal From: Q*V*C today: 5 payments on anything

Bind it all - anyone have it?

I tend to lurk more than post but am wondering if anyone has the bind it all. If you do, how do the wire binding combs work? Do they click into place or must they be opened like on a regular binding machine? I'm curious if I should invest in one or not. Thanks. The original munchkin.

Orignal From: Bind it all - anyone have it?

Cricut Mat ???

Hi Ladies! Am I crazy (don't answer that!) or did I read in one of the threads that someone had used water to make their Cricut cutting mats sticky again? Jackie

Orignal From: Cricut Mat ???

TWAG Open Search For New Artist

Hi Everyone! We want to get the word out that (TWAG) The Working Artists Group is looking for a new artist to join our team. Everyone in the group is super excited and we just wanted to let everyone know...

Orignal From: TWAG Open Search For New Artist

I hate it when companies lie to me: QVC and Dell

I bought my Dell laptop from QVC because 1.) It came with a 3-year, 1-business-day replacement warranty and 2.) It came with a "special" customer service phone number in the United States...they specifically said that buyers on QVC would talk with someone in the US of A, not the black hole of Calcutta. Lies. I have twice had serious problems with my computer; the sound card stopped working almost immediately. I had to let the techie log in remotely to fix it - it took several hours, at least 4 or 5 with me holding the phone to my ear. It might have gone a little faster if I could have heard him and could have understood him and if he had slowed down and enunciated his words. I mentioned this week that I couldn't see the User IDs in the posts here. It was my computer. Something was wonky and I had to do a System Restore twice; one lasted a day, the other lasted a few minutes. I couldn't even click in to the Support link at Dell. And they couldn't get into my machine remotely either. Oh, and it was dear old Dipak again (he told me I could call him David if I wanted to). The instant I chose tech support in the phone menu, it took me straight to India. This makes me sooooo mad. And QVC is still saying that their buyers get US help, that they're special. I paid more through QVC in order to get this promised service! I tried to leave a review on their site about my computer and they wrote me and told me that they deleted it. No wonder...I called them out on their lies. Finally had to REFORMAT this thing. Everything is gone. Everything. I hate Windows Vista. I hate liars. And Dipak a/k/a David told me that I was special. That I was chosen, just me, and just today, to be offered a discounted warranty. Just today. And just for me. Because I'm special. I told him that this thing has 2 more years on its warranty, I'll be bugging them for those 2 years and then I'll throw it away. Grrrrr..... (Breathe, Brenda, just breathe.....)

Orignal From: I hate it when companies lie to me: QVC and Dell

quickutz dies compatible with other cutting machines???????

Hi, I am new to scrapbooking and would like to know if anyone out there knows if there is a compatible machine beside the quickutz that you can use with this die.

Orignal From: quickutz dies compatible with other cutting machines???????

Removing pictures after auction ends....

How do I take my pictures of after my auction has ended. I am noticing more people doing that now to prevent copycats. I had 15 watchers on my one listing and only 3 bids...that happens alot lately and someone told me most watchers are probably people who are saving your idea. Kristi

Orignal From: Removing pictures after auction ends....

HELP!! Trying to sell and it says to "get verified"

I'm paypal verified and now ID verified through eBay and it won't let me list anything new to sell as it is telling me I still need to "get verified" Ugh! for some reason my computer won't connect to the Live Help. Any suggestions... you know, besides punching my monitor and screaming profanitites?? Shana

Orignal From: HELP!! Trying to sell and it says to "get verified"

How do you "fix" a water mark on paper?

I spent over 20 hours working on a custom order for a friend all of it was hand pieced and had custom paper piecing and coloring. The papers were hand selected and expensive, it was all sewn and ready to be picked up. I had the 4 pages stacked on 3 clear containers on my scrap table which is in my dining room One of my children set a cup of water on my desk which is a huge NO NO and somehow the water was spilled and landed right on top of the art work. Of course when it happened no one told me and when I went back to the paper I notice that they were warped. The pages didn't lay flat and looked wavy. I hove thought about ironing it or laying books on it but I just don't know if it will ruin it even more than it already is. The paper colors didn't run so I think there is some hope in fixing it. I just have so much invested in it and I would hate to throw it away. Anybody have any ideas or might know how to fix it?

Orignal From: How do you "fix" a water mark on paper?

converting gsd to wpc

I have had a heck of a day fingering out this stuff. Well I found out that I needed something that would open a gsd before I could even convert the gsd files I have. And wouldn't you know it, when I sold my WB I deleted the program. So I went all over the net looking the the robomaster program. I didn't even remember that was the name of it. All I could remember was the inkscape. So after many hours of searching and searching I fond the download. Then wouldn't ya know it, I still didn't know how to convert those files. another hour of searching and I found a way. A very slow wrist hurting way. Nothing can be simple. So now its taking me like 1-5 minutes (depending on if I have to change the line colors or fix the file) to convert one file. I have like over 1500 files to do. If anyone knows an easier way to do this PLEASE HELP me! * * * * * * * * * To the world you may be just one person, but to one person you may be the world.

Orignal From: converting gsd to wpc

Ok Boardies- Let me have it - PROVO Sew Crafty

I love card making and always say I am going to start selling cards on ebay, but never do. I see a lot of people sewing and it is beautiful. My mom has a faithful old sewing machine, but I do not feel like going over to her house and dragging it out. How is the provo sew crafty? Does it work? Can you do zig zags or other patterns besides straight? I really appreciate any help.

Orignal From: Ok Boardies- Let me have it - PROVO Sew Crafty

D/FW Texas scrappers: little help, please

Greetings fellow north Texans, I'm looking for something crafty to do with myself while my daughter takes College for Kids classes next month at TCC-Northeast, M-F, 1-5 p.m. I live in south Fort Worth, so I don't know a whole lot about the area. I found a Southlake Little Gym camp about 6 miles away for my 5-year-old, so I actually have some time of my OWN each afternoon!!! What I DON'T want to do is drive back to Fort Worth, then back to NE Tarrant every day! I'm looking for a scrapbook or general craft store with either open cropping space, or some interesting crafty class I might take. I checked JoAnn's in Hurst, and all of their classes in July are either early in the morning or in the evening. Grrrr. Any ideas? SG

Orignal From: D/FW Texas scrappers: little help, please

Happy Thursday!

Well, I didn't get my layout finished yesterday so that is on my to do list. I need to clean the inside of my car since I put that off until today. You should see it, it's terrible. I am suppost to was the dogs today. I washed 2 last light and have 9 to go. I really don't think it's going to happen. I hope you all have a great day!

Orignal From: Happy Thursday!

Who pays for ebay special rewards?

Right now I got two messages from ebay in My Messages and also the same ones on email. One is for 10% off one item, the other is 3 free shippings. Are these really legit? Also does the seller have to absorb this discount. If so, I will not use them. Can anyone tell me?

Orignal From: Who pays for ebay special rewards?

help... fabric tac

Hi ladies.. I am on vacation and of course I had to take scrap stuff with me... well... on the way here the fabric tac dumped over in my car and on to my carpet in the car. Any ideas on how I might get it out???? any??? please!!

Orignal From: help... fabric tac

books or pages

I would rather make premade scrapbooks, custom, so I have more ideas... but it seems as though sometimes people would just rather buy the individual pages... how do i advertise that i make scrapbooks custom without posting a listing on ebay... i usually just sell the set of 2 pages, but I hate doing that... I would like to just sell the books for a flat fee instead of outrageous prices on the pages

Orignal From: books or pages

Wishblade samples

Here are a few of the items I have cut. The ones on the top are from wingdings. All the rest are some I made myself except for the Diva word and palm tree. Hope this works. Link

Orignal From: Wishblade samples


Yippie! Well, today looks like the only day to get stuff done. I have to get to my LSS today for their Memorial Day Weekend Sale. 40% off of bazzill cardstock. Gotta get me some of that. I am still watching that auction for that KNK. You think hubby would notice if I used a CC? So very tempting. I ordered this little beauty yesterday: 12-drawer taboret is 29" w x 26 1 / 4" h x 14" d. Anyways, Ya'll have a GREAT DAY!

Orignal From: IT'S FRIDAY!

What do you think?

I have considered selling instructions and patterns to my paper piecings. But I have seen others do it, and then end up having a difficult time selling their pieces after that. What do you think? Do you think selling patterns helps or hurts your business? Friends are the embellishments on your page of life

Orignal From: What do you think?

Scrappy's Poopies

Bear, Bessie Gertrude

Orignal From: Scrappy's Poopies

If you use Photo Bucket to host your pics....

they probably aren't showing up because the site has been hacked! DH told me this morning - sure enough! I wondered why some of the auctions I was going into last night the pics weren't showing up. They say they will be getting it fixed

Orignal From: If you use Photo Bucket to host your pics....

Happy Monday!

Well, it is 3 am here. We just finish giving 4 puppies baths. We brought home 4 yorkie pups tonight from TN. Boy did they stink! I mean really really stink. It was like a petting zoo only worst. I told John they were not coming in my house smelling like that. So we took one at a time in the house and gave them baths. One of them is for my cousin and the others are for us to sell for my hubbys cousin (the breeder). We sold six for him a few months ago. Anyways, i plan to have a scrap-a-thon tomorrow while hubby plays guitar hero and american idol with the kiddies. At least thats my plan. Oh and i told my hubby about buying the pazzles and he just laughed. He did say that he was wondering why there was an empty space on my desk. he he I told him I needed to replace my wishblade since I sold it. So at least he knows about it before it got here. Well I hope everyone has a wonderful Monday! Love is the condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own. ~Robert Heinlein

Orignal From: Happy Monday!


Hi all, Just wanted everyone's 2 cents on this company. Are they trustworthy? I'm interesting in buying and any help will be greatly appreciated.


More questions on Custom Layouts

I first want to thank you wonderful ladies for your helpful advice. I want to build up and concentrate on custom layouts. My first question is: Do you require the customer to buy insurance? If the layout is lost or damaged who gets to claim the insurance, you or the customer? They would be out the money and you would be out the time and cost of supplies. I'm thinking of starting a note book with each page containing the on-line record of the shipping label and pictures of the layout a customer buys. I am also putting information like what they paid, their ebay name, etc. Do any of you all do anything similar? What other hints or help can you give me? I all ready include repositionable photo squares with my shipments. What other types of free gifts to you all include? I am starting to mention that I do custom layouts in my thank you notes. Would you suggest I include pictures of finished layouts that I have done as examples or would that be too presumptuous? (I had to do spell check on that one!) I'm sorry to be so long winded but I welcome any and all advice anyone can give me. Thanks Joy

Orignal From: More questions on Custom Layouts

is anyone else...

Hey chicks! Is anyone else missing the counter in their auctions? You know the thing that shows ya how many people has view your auction. I have listed several things lately and mine isn't showing up anymore! Chrissy

Orignal From: is anyone else...

Anyone Been to Wisconsin Dells??

We are heading there tomorrow with our 3 kids (ages 12, 10 and 8) for a few days. I'm wondering what your favorite things are out there. We've never been there and are not looking forward to the 6 hour drive either, so we'll take any advice you can give. Thanks everyone! Anne

Orignal From: Anyone Been to Wisconsin Dells??


I saw on my thread about QVC

Orignal From: craftygeezerette

Question for people who buy scrapbooking supplies on Ebay

I am selling a large bunch of stickers, brads, embellishments, etc. When counting them up, do I just count packages or actual individual items? Example: 20 packages OR 183 stickers? TIA.

Orignal From: Question for people who buy scrapbooking supplies on Ebay

How do you go about putting an "About Me" section on ebay?

I want potential customers to know more about me personally. Didn't there used to be a way to put something like this in your auctions?

Orignal From: How do you go about putting an "About Me" section on ebay?

Using the color Yellow when making Americana items.some say yes.others dont

dont understand..... I make wreaths....and I also live right next to Ft Benning Ga...a large military town! In our town the color yellow has become a color of rememberance for us...remembering those serving away now, those whom have served before them and those whom we have lost as they served....God Bless them all!!! Anyhow, I try to explain this in my listings when I do put yellow in a piece and most folks totally love the concept......i have had a couple of email though asking why?? and one lady was very adamant about the Red White and Blue being the only American colors.... I just thought Id see what folks thought of this. I sure dont want to offend anyone but around here you cant look down any city block without seeing yellow bows..... Thanks for all input! NanaJules

Orignal From: Using the color Yellow when making Americana items.some say yes.others dont

Monday, July 20, 2009

Personal Scrapper kits

Is there any interest in Personal Scrapper monthly kits? I have Nov 07 and Jan - Oct of 08. I looked at past auctions but never see an PS kits!

Orignal From: Personal Scrapper kits

chipboard in different skin tone colors?

Hi - I just got a sizzix bigKick and a bunch of the dress-ups dies. I wanted to make some paper dolls for DS preschool class, and I'm not sure about... 1. will my machine/dies work on chipboard? 2. having trouble finding a lot of different flesh-colors to use for the bodies 3. What's so great about Bazzill? "There are no stupid questions, but there are a lot of inquisitve idiots."

Orignal From: chipboard in different skin tone colors?

Just A Warning - Don't Buy The MM Tag Maker!

This thing is the by far the dumbest thing I've bought. It doesn't work. I don't have too much trouble with square tags, but round ones - NOT! I LOVE buying scrapbooking stuff! It's as much fun to collect stuff as it is to use it. LOL! But this was a HUGE waste of money. I could probably run tags through my Cuttlebug and make them work better than the Tag Maker. Just wanted to vent a little and warn others. Don't waste your time or money.

Orignal From: Just A Warning - Don't Buy The MM Tag Maker!


I can't remember the thread that someone was wondering about how they could combine sewing and scrapping and just now ran across a good example. Check this out: 260294594296 Plenty of sewing in this example! Hope this is helpful to you! Jax


Joining a design group

I've seen that there are many design groups out there. I am new to selling my scrapping and cards on e-bay, although I've been a member for 10 years. I'd like to join a design group, I have been doing pre-made scrapbooking pages and handmade stamped cards. I've sent a few notes to people in groups but have not heard back. If any of the design groups out there need new members, please let me know. Thanks gena Link

Orignal From: Joining a design group

If I could make a stamp from your photo...

would you buy it? Would that be something that you would be interested in? Photos of your family, your pets, your house, your garden - anything!

Orignal From: If I could make a stamp from your photo...

Do you let your kids use your Cuttlebug?

Hi.. I am getting ready to buy a Cuttlebug. I have a 8 year old daughter who loves crafts. And I mean really loves crafts! Do you let your kids use your Cuttlebug or did you buy them the Cuttlekids? What do you think of Cuttlekids. I have not found any reviews on the Cuttlekids. I have been cruising this board for a while and have been reading all of your posts and the Cuttlebug is what I have decided on because of your recommendations. Thanks in advance for your replies. _____________________________________________________________________________ My daughter saw a lion kill a horse in a movie and no longer loves lions. We Love Webkinz!!!

Orignal From: Do you let your kids use your Cuttlebug?


I just wanted to say hi to everyone, I have missed the chats with my good friends here. Thank you to all of you who have been sending the emails and updates and to all my wonderful customers who never left my side. I am not sure I will be selling much here, but plan to do some buying.. Missed you and can't wait to hear whats new.

Orignal From: IM BACK!!!

Are there any plans for the up coming Christmas Card Swap?

I didn't know if there were any plans this year in the works. I know that several of us did one last year and it was sort of a debacle just because the participants sent them late. I just thought if we scooted it up this year that would give everyone plenty of time to get them done and have them sent in so no one does without. Last year a group hosted it but I am not sure if the same group is doing it again or not... For those of you who want to participate post your name on this thread and hopefully we can get a group started and get the ball rolling now. - Thanks! Heather

Orignal From: Are there any plans for the up coming Christmas Card Swap?

Cricut settings

I haven't figured out which blade setting for what paper. Help!!!

Orignal From: Cricut settings

Does Anyone Else LOVE Becky Higgens Sketches?

I use them for inspiration whenever I hit a wall and they always get me over the hump. Thanks Becky!

Orignal From: Does Anyone Else LOVE Becky Higgens Sketches?

Cant wait to get these printed!! Ultimate wrestling match!

Jake and Midnight....Midnight won!! These are going to be so fun to scrap...I think im going to do 4x6's and have a whole 2 page layout for them!

Orignal From: Cant wait to get these printed!! Ultimate wrestling match!

Scalloped edging on cards

Does anyone know how these are cut? Is it a machine b/c it looks like a perfect circle and the scallops are perfect. Item number: 290267120749

Orignal From: Scalloped edging on cards

Well I got taken

Yep, on ebay on a presale for a cricut cartridge for 36.00. I know I was telling everyone about the good sellers who I have purchased off of, but thought perhaps you might want to hear about the bad. For the sake of propriety I wont post the name here. (but after my negative I left him he got about 7 more-so it isnt a mistake)But you can either check the feedback I have left, or email me. I filed and escalated the dispute several days ago, I have emailed him numerous times asking for a refund, and finally last night he sends the "been in the hospital" letter and mailing the stuff out. But of course he has not repsonded to my claim, or the email I sent after I received his. It justs makes me mad, sellers like that ruin it for the rest of us. Michelle

Orignal From: Well I got taken

Newcomer needs advice

I am new to ebay but been scrapping a couple of years. I have only put a couple of items on ebay and do not want to get discouraged but am. I know the economy is not so great. I was wondering if anyone could give me some advice. I hate to give up so quickly.

Orignal From: Newcomer needs advice

It's been sooooooo long....

Hi ladies! It's been SOOO long since I've been here! Life is zoomin' along. I have some exciting news!!! We'll be welcoming home our daughter on Thursday!!!! We are adopting again! =) Her birthmama is in labor right now. Pray for us if you would. =)

Orignal From: It's been sooooooo long....

Advice needed on feedback

Hi All...let me tell you my saga and get your opinions on what you think I should do feedback wise. I bought 3 cricut cartridges from a seller who has been mentioned here for slow shipping, no customer contact etc. Of course I did not read about them until I had already bid and won the auctions....anyways... I bought them on 2 seperate dates 2 of them on Sept 19th and one of them on Sept 25th. My payment via echeck cleared on Oct 1. The payment took me so long because I had to beg and plead for the updated shipping total as stated in the auction. The shipping of the first auction said 6.00 with any additional items being 3.00. WEll they sent me invoices 4 times with 12.00 as the shipping. Their auctions state that if you dont ask for a shipping change they will assume you are ok with no combined shipping. Needless to say I held out until I was finally sent an invoice for the stated shipping in the auctions. I had to call their 800# 2 times to get an updated invoice. So I pay....2 days later I get the your order is being processed and will ship within 2-3 days with an email stating it has shipped...... I wait and wait, a week later no shipping email. I sent an email to the seller asking if the items had shipped. On the 14th of OCtober I received this reply I am very sorry about this! Have you received ANY of your three cartridges? I just want to double check this as some shipping information I have found leads me to believe your cartridges were sent to the wrong person. This frustrates me greatly and I would appreciate confirmation of this so I can deal with this. I apologize for the delay and mix up on our end. Thank you! I respond the same day letting her know that I have not gotten anything from them the reply also on the 14th. Thank you thank you for getting back to me! I will resolve this tomorrow! I am very sorry for this! Our postage people must have made a mistake and put the wrong postage on the wrong package. We are sorry and appreciate you checking up on this as we would have never known of an error (unless contacted by the lucky recipient of your package!). Graphically Speaking may be out right now, so be aware of this at this point but I may be wrong as we receive pallets of items a few times a week from Provo Craft. Again, thank you for alerting us to this error and I will get this resolved tomorrow! Thanks! On the 15th I send a message Thanks, wondering if you were able to figure this out today? Whomever got the package must be happy. Will you ship graphically speaking later after it arrives if you are out? How long does that typically take? No response for 3 days until I request contact info from Ebay and make another call to the seller. They respond and say this Thanks for your email! I apologize for the delay, I've been swamped with various problems and I see how many emails you've sent, I apologize. I looked at your invoice and after conferring with my boss, she said we had to wait until the Graphically came in today to ship your cartridges as you should have been charged $12.00 but my other boss did not change the 2 cartridge listing to reflect that – as I believe it was you who pointed that out. We cannot actually even ship 3 for $9.00, it costs more so we will wait. I apologize for the delay and mistake on our part, we try to avoid them but some of our postage people try to be efficient and sometimes it leads to mistakes. We should have this going out today. You will receive an email when it does. Again,I apologize. Thank you! I did get a shipping confirmation and see that the items are now on their way. Needless to say my fanny is burned about having to call over and over to beg for someone to jsut tell me what is going on. I mean after all it was almost 120.00 that I spent. Call me crazy but I want to make sure I am not getting screwed. The last email making mention of the fact that I pointed out the shipping (WHICH WAS AS STATED on the auction) and how they can only wait for the graphically speaking cartridge to come in before they ship becasue they are losing money on the shipping really made me more frustrated with the whole situation. So they sent my cartridges to the wrong person, thus causing my cartridge to be back ordered or whatever and delaying my order because I paid the shipping stated on the auctions apparently justifies them not sending ANY of my carts til the one came in. Does this seem fair to you guys? If that cartridge ahdnt come in yet, I would still be waiting for all 3 of them. What kind of feedback would you all leave? This seller is on the cusp of falling below the start ratings and has several negs already. I dont want to be a *itch but.... Lisa

Orignal From: Advice needed on feedback

?? on how to properly do a photo weave...

Hi...I am stuck on a photo weave using a b/w photo and its color counterpart. Since 2 photos is a little thick to ensure a tight fit, I am using one photo on photo paper and one photo on plain paper. The first weaved strip is a perfect fit. Second weave is a tiny bit off skelter although I am trying to do a tight fit. So I google to see how to improve the fit. One how-to site tells me that by the time I finish that the ends will not be matching at all. Is this true?

Orignal From: ?? on how to properly do a photo weave...

Scrapbooking/Cardmaking LOT-Can you tell me....

I have listed a HUGE scrapbooking/cardmaking lot-can you tell me why there doesnt seem to be any interest in it? There is alot of great items in there and priced VERY reasonable. I would be very interested to know why there doesnt seem to be any interest in it? I look forward to your responses.....

Orignal From: Scrapbooking/Cardmaking LOT-Can you tell me....

Hits on items for sale?

I apologize if this topic has already been discussed, but I have noticed LATELY that my items are ending with hardly any hits/views? Is this something that is happening to everyone or is it just me? LOL Seiously I had more hits before and it seems as tho lately there just isn't anyone out there looking...but it might be my items too Just wondering if anyone else felt that ebays changes have affected their listings? THANKS so much

Orignal From: Hits on items for sale?

New Search???

Hello all! I know things have been slow lately with the economy and all but I must say that I have personally not been this slow since I first opened my store - and only had like 70 items!! I have not moved any items to fixed price - the latest Ebay change. Wonder if that is making a difference? I wonder if anyone else is having problems with their items showing up in searches? Also, you used to be able to click on "see all buy it now" items at the end of the list. I'm not finding that when I do various searches. Any thoughts, suggestions, opinions, experiences are welcome! TIA Andrea

Orignal From: New Search???

New Question about website

Hi all, I had my main computer crash and I lost all my favorites that I had saved. There was a site that I was going into when I started researching cutting machines. I was intersted in the KNK. The site had a comparison chart of all the different machines, what they could do, what was included in the package when you purchase the machine from them, and what extras were necessary/optional and what those things normally cost. Do any of you know the name of this site? I keep searching thinking that I will recognize the colors/

Orignal From: New Question about website

best storage for 12x12 paper?

Currently reorganizing the craft area, and thinking maybe there is a better way to store mostly stacks and not so many single sheets of 12x12 paper than in half of one huge drawer - they are kinda lost in there and not too accessible. WHat do you use and why do you like it (or not)?

Orignal From: best storage for 12x12 paper?


Hi Y'all I am new on this board and figured I would come to the pro's for some much need suggestions. I am a mother of 4 all adults now, But I am wanting to make them each a scrap book for Christmas with all of their childhood pictures and sweet memories. I don't even know where to begin. I have in mind what I want but not sure where to start. Each one of the children really have their own thing .. example one palyed Baseball, the other is in the teaching fiels , and the oldest is in the medical field and the next to the oldest will be beginning law school soon. Ok let the fun begin!!! Thanks Karen


Is Maeve gone?

Rumor has it Maeve is gone? Due to the recent ebay lay-offs. Can anyone verify this? Whoever said money can't buy happiness simply didn't know where to go shopping.

Orignal From: Is Maeve gone?

Can someone give me some insight here, please...

Can someone pa-lease tell me what in the world do I have to do to get some stuff sold here on Ebay? Do I have to put a tear bear on everything? Is that what the customers want? I have been trying this for several months now (selling layouts that is)it took a while and I finally got some sales. Then all of a sudden I get no sales and NO WATCHERS! Please tell me what I am doing wrong here. I can take it. I know the economy sucks, it's a slow time of year, blah blah, but lots of other layouts are selling. However, it seems like they all have tear bears. Can you tell I'm frustrated here? Ok I'm done. Thanks to anyone who wants to respond. Julie (fido33food)

Orignal From: Can someone give me some insight here, please...

ARGH One to add to your BBL and advice please

Ok I sold a scrapbook page to a lady on Oct 2. She didnt pay and didnt pay so I sent her a friendly reminder on the 15th or so. SHe responded with one line saying "my paypal says I paid" I responded 4 different time asking for more information, etc. NOTHING so I file an Ebay non paying bidder claim. She pays on the 21st. I ship on the 22nd. Today she filed a claim on paypal against me it says "I thought you were sending me a scrapbook?But i recieved a page it was beautiful but not what i expected, not only that at least the bottom corner up to the middle was bent.. I will be sending this back to you propmtly, thank you very much for you service." OK So she didnt get that. But there is NO way the bottom corner was bent(especially up to the middle) on this. I packed it flat in a 12 x 12 mailer, no sliding it in or anything. She chose not to get insurance. She also has obviously done this before if you look at her left feedbacks. I am so mad I could spit! I want to send her a scathing email but I know that isnt the right thing to do. Block this one ladies!!!!! Lisa

Orignal From: ARGH One to add to your BBL and advice please

OT: does anyone have a fireplace insert?

i know this is totally off topic of scrapbooking...but all of you are so friendly on this board, i thought i would ask all of you for some help and advice in making a decision. my husband and i are considering buying a wood fireplace insert for our fireplace this winter to help with the cost of heating our home...however, i heard that the windows in these blacken up and you cant see the fire when you use this true? this may sound like a silly concern...but i am a florida girl recently relocated to montana....and i absolutely love the look of the fire in our family room...and i dont want to lose out on that by getting the i thought i would ask if others have this same thing happen with their fireplace insert. thanks so much for any responses! :o) valerie

Orignal From: OT: does anyone have a fireplace insert?

Teaching Scrapbooking Classes - Any Advice?

Do any of you teach scrapbooking classes? Our Hobby Lobby and a Specialty scrapbook store used to. But they quit years ago. Several people have asked me to teach them how to do it, so I'm planning to start teaching this winter. I don't have any teaching experience, but I've been a scrapper for about 10 years. I plan to have premade page kits available for the classes. I will be teaching at my home in the beginning but if there's enough interest, I'll move to the Senior Life Center. As people become experienced with the different tools and techniques, I plan to offer one cropping day per month where people can come here and use all of my equipment (embossing tools, Sizzix die cutters, rotary cutters, Fascinator, Crop-a-dile, Oval and Circle Cutters, etc). Does anyone have any ideas or advice for teaching? Is there a site that shows simple layouts that might be good to teach? I have some ideas of my own, but I'd love more input. I'd really like my classes to be unique and entertaining so they'll keep coming back. I attend classes taught by a Stamping Up consultant. She focuses on stamping. I will be doing a little bit of everything, but my favorite embellishments are the die cuts. I have 100's of sizzix dies in almost every theme out there. If you've taught or attended classes, what are your favorite projects? What did you like best and least in a class? Any suggestions are welcome. Birth of a Butterfly

Orignal From: Teaching Scrapbooking Classes - Any Advice?

Stuff for scrap booking ??

Just getting the boards thoughts because someone emailed me and said I have listed my stuff way to low ??

Orignal From: Stuff for scrap booking ??

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Cheapest Price on Wishblade $182.94 tax shipped

Saw this on another site and thought some of you ladies might be interested. You know our friend Joann. Well, she has a special for $239. If you go to the homepage, you can sign up to get shipping for $2.98. Use that code and then use code EEC001. Hope this helps someone out.

Orignal From: Cheapest Price on Wishblade $182.94 tax shipped

About alternate sites

Sometime in the last few days I received an announcement from the place that starts with A that currently does some nice auction template/photo hosting. I have heard the E site is popular but just doesn't draw the buyers. But the A place is quite well known already thru Ebayers usage. What do any of you think of this new place? Opportunity, waste of $$, too much competition for your pennies already? Granne

Orignal From: About alternate sites

How do you paint eyes?? (for tear bears or critters)

I bought paints (oil, watercolor, acrylic) about 30 brushes, liquid paint pens and some other things. Anyone know how to paint eyes? or a good tutorial on it? Were in the middle of a blizzard and I have all weekend to do nothing but practice painting! Thanks

Orignal From: How do you paint eyes?? (for tear bears or critters)

I forgot to take pictures~

Gosh, another one of those senior moments struck. I made about 30 really cute Holiday cards and I'll be darned if I didn't forget to take photos. Shoot, shoot, shoot as no two were the same and that was darned hard. Oh well. I call them Holiday cards as not everyone celebrates Christmas or a couple going overseas I wasn't sure about delivery time. My brilliant niece sent a photo of my little wall hanging, tho after she got it quilted. It's for my Jewish sister in law. Her quilting made it perfect even tho my arrangement was surely less than stellar. [IMG]Link[/IMG] [IMG]Link[/IMG] Nothing wrapped under the tree yet but all are ready except two Tshirts I want to machine embroider. What are you all doing today? Granne

Orignal From: I forgot to take pictures~

In between holidays....

Hope everyone had a terrific Christmas, with enough time for family and friends, and that Santa treated everyone well! And here is to a happy and healthy New Year for everyone. Here at Casa Conlin, we're having a second Christmas tomorrow night with dinner guests (so guess who will be cooking tomorrow!) We had dinner Christmas Day with friends, and I suspect someone got a photo of me playing Rock Star (I think) with their son on the Wii. Then, an open house of sorts for New Year's Eve, with the required black-eyed peas and cornbread, and enough munchies to torpedo a large number of diets. To those of you in areas where the weather is being a tad dangerous - be careful be safe! Now, where is that album for 2009.... Fala freakin'la lala lalaaaaaaaaa

Orignal From: In between holidays....

All We Need Is Love (Charities To Donate To)

there are charities that are recieving scrapbookish items. some accept greeting cards, some accept Angel Books (for those who have lost a child), some are accepting art/craft supplies. Anyone know an actual website, or websites where I can find out where to send/ what to send. thanks for the help. -laura s

Orignal From: All We Need Is Love (Charities To Donate To)

Ive run n2 a bit of a quandry on the feedback board..Help please

Ladies im so sorry to bring this here... I have a situation with a buyer....posted it on the FB some great advice earlier today. Then tonight, the spit-spats came out....I felt that I had to mention the group i started back in the spring.... That group fell apart and i came here for advice then. So now it has been twisted...... I suppose Im just letting you all know this board has been mentioned there. What upset me was it seemed to have been taken in jest. Maybe i just need some moral support.... Makes me sad that an Ebay discussion board can turn ugly....its just rediculous and pathetic to me. Anyhow....You ladies always lift my spirits!! Im so glad to have You! NanaJules

Orignal From: Ive run n2 a bit of a quandry on the feedback board..Help please

Just an Idea for you Scrappers

I have an 8 almost nine year old grand daughter who just this year really got interested in helping me with the baking and cooking for holiday meals. since I love to scrap.... hummmmm. well I handed the camera to my 11 year old grandson and had him take pics of us cooking and baking together. I am in the process now of turning all these wonderful memories into a holiday cookbook for her with all our pics for memories. all in my own Handwritting with all our fun memories included. I just hope maybe some of you might catch the holiday spirit of sharing your favorite recipies for generations to come.

Orignal From: Just an Idea for you Scrappers

Looking for a Design Team

Hello, I'm looking a Design Team to be a part of. Does anyone know of any new or established groups that are looking for members, thanks!! Lailani

Orignal From: Looking for a Design Team

What scanners scan 12X12 pages (or close to)??

I remember reading about some.. large format that do 11X17 or 12X19 but can't remember the ones.. to scan layouts Anyone know? -------------------------- *~ Proud Member of MSND Lot ~*

Orignal From: What scanners scan 12X12 pages (or close to)??

Silhouette cutting question

Hi ladies, I'm trying to cut some letters for my Mickey Mouse layouts and my machine is tearing the paper. I am using the type of thin cardstock from J's (8.5 x 11 in the 25 count pack). It's not textured cardstock. I tried to decrease the pressure and slow down the cutting. I was using the red tip and tried the yellow tip but it still tore the letters. I was using CK Simplicity font which is really thin, does that make a difference? I usually use a wider font and haven't had this problem. If anyone has any suggestions, I would appreciate it. thanks, pam

Orignal From: Silhouette cutting question

Cricut Create or Cricut Expression?

Does anyone have experience specifically with these two? Was wondering if there's an advantage of one over the other. The Expression looks big (and fun!). Is it very easy to transport around? Wondering if the Create would be more convenient. Thank you all in advance.

Orignal From: Cricut Create or Cricut Expression?

Speaking of Scrapbooking...

Speaking of Scrapbooking, my dear Mom just passed away and I have been left with 1,000's of Stampin up and HERO ARTS stamps along with hundreds of Paper Punches and other scrapbooking and card making supplies. Have you any ideas as to how I can liquidate them other than listing them 1 by 1 or in lots of 2 or 3 here on Ebay? I will be doing this for years. I am not kidding about the amount of Rubber Stamps my Mom has purchased and never used since at least 2001. Please advise....

Orignal From: Speaking of Scrapbooking...

What would you buy at the scrapbook store?

I must have too much. I had a $291 credit and can't spend it. I bought hoards of paper and spent $87 of it. The rest I can't spend! Literally What would you buy? I dont need cricut carts as I have the SCAL. I dont need stamps, I have over 500 that I barely use. I'm good on tape, I have a case for my ATG gun.. Paper I got a few of almost every kind.. I usually make paper piecings so I dont much jolee's type thing. I have every chalk ink made by dew drop and colorbox. What's left? I'm hoping you ladies have ideas, I only have 3 weeks left to spend it!

Orignal From: What would you buy at the scrapbook store?

Has anyone tried the MM Slice?

I just noticed that HL has it on sale this week 30 % off. I was thinking of purchasing one as I do not have any cutting machines and really cant afford the bigger ones. has anyone had any experiance with the slice?

Orignal From: Has anyone tried the MM Slice?

Wanting to try my hand at heat embossing

Any advice on what the best products to use are - such as heat gun, powders...? Thanks! Kim

Orignal From: Wanting to try my hand at heat embossing

Is there a certain market or anybody knows a good store for scrapbooking?

Is there a certain market or anybody knows a good store for scrapbooking? Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get.

Orignal From: Is there a certain market or anybody knows a good store for scrapbooking?

Need Adhesive Advice

I bought a small grouping of X-Mas plastic pails, with plain lids and a handle. Perfect for holding odds and ends. However, what would be the best adhesive to use to cover these plastic pails with either cardstock or papers. And I'm thinking cardstock would be better to work with??? I want to make this EASY as possible. Thanks!

Orignal From: Need Adhesive Advice

Cardmakers-Share Your Stuff

Cardmaking artists.... Are you a cardmaker? Please drop in and share your items with us. I am always looking for sellers that have some great items that they created for sale and would love to know who is selling them out here! Please drop in and share your atistic talents with us. I have purchased cards from some very talented people here on Ebay so please drop in and share some of them with us!

Orignal From: Cardmakers-Share Your Stuff

What albums do you recommend?

Hi, I'm trying to finally get my photos organized. I want to purchase some scrapbooks that I can do some simple scrapbook pages (not the kind that you slip a photo into a slot). I'm looking for basic albums that will look nice on a shelf in my living room and that I'll still like the look of in 10 years. Does anyone have any suggestions? I have an AC Moore, Michaels and JoAnns near me, but if there are online sources, that would be great too. Thanks so much!

Orignal From: What albums do you recommend?

Forget me not.....

well, I am back on ebay, and hoping no one forgot me.. This economy has been so slow, that at work, we had one table on tuesday night in the entire CRACKER BARREL!!! WOW, anyone ever hear of such a thing!!???? american idol do this to us? hehe, that is what I told everyone..anyhow, to pay for gas to get to work, I am back on ebay and will be selling and chatting , I am sure of that! and with selling, I know I will be buying again.. I wonder if everyone else is doing the same...LOL.. maybe the economy will pick up if we all just go ahead and keep buying, ect..LOL.. QUESTION/./also what is everyone scrapping right now.?.. I am still working on my disney world pages.. and christmas...

Orignal From: Forget me not.....

Have you done the Psychedelic Inking Technique?

I saw this inking technique a while back and tried it for the first time today. I think it's awesome. And it's so easy and fun. I don't know the real name of the technique. It may not even have one. But the colors look like the result of a psychedelic drug trip (or what I assume a psych. drug trip would look like). The finished product looks like the abstract art in my mom's doctor's office. This technique is done using glossy photo paper and Memories Mist ink and some "smooshing". It's fun and exciting to see how the colors blend and streak. Has anyone else done this? Can you share some photos or some tips? I've only got 6 colors of ink, but since the stuff is $8 a bottle, I won't be buying more. Here are my creations from today. Later I'll cut them into big scalloped tags I think. I just love them. Birth of a Butterfly

Orignal From: Have you done the Psychedelic Inking Technique?

M's paper sale

Did y'all have a chance to clean up on paper stock @ M's this week? Was fun ~ my granddaughter even convinced her Momma to take her for a stocking spree. Of course, the new lines will arrive

Orignal From: M's paper sale

Where can I ribbon related to Police and Fire Department and Fishing?

Hope someone can help Looking for Ribbon.. 5/8 to 7/8 by the yard or 5 yards to with Police Department or Fire Department and Fishing Related Images.. Looking for Jacquard or Grosgrain. Any Help would be appreciated THank you all and have a great Day!!!!!

Orignal From: Where can I ribbon related to Police and Fire Department and Fishing?

Can I have your opinion on these pages?

I'm going to start teaching scrapbooking in Jan and I've been putting together some pages and packets for the classes. I'm trying not to be too simple or too involved. Each class will only be about 2 hrs. I want to do two pages per class. The first class will cover some basics for beginners and I'll give out and explain some handouts. We'll also take time to get to know each other while having refreshments. I have planned two very simple Christmas pages. I'm hoping they're not too simple. The other things on the agenda will take about 30 minutes I think. So that leaves around an hour and a half to complete these pages. Here are the pages for the first class: As the students learn more, they can come back and add embellishments to these pages. I plan to host cropping classes about once a month where they can work on their own projects and use all my special tools. Do you think the pages are too plain for first pages? I don't want to overwhelm them during the first class, but I don't want to disappoint them either. Birth of a Butterfly

Orignal From: Can I have your opinion on these pages?

speaking of stickles

you've probably all seen the new colors.....ones by suzanne mcneil called glitz stix, and ones by tim holtz called...what else....distress stickles. the glitz ones might be a little glitzier, but i don't know about the distress ones. they don't look distressed but maybe the reason they are called that is because they come out of the bottle much faster and i am distressed about how fast i have used up a bottle.

Orignal From: speaking of stickles

better to sell album with 20 premade pages or not?

I have a question, I bought a beautiful album, and it is a girly themed album and all of the pages are for girls, and they are amazing pages with hours into each one... I have no idea if I should list the entire album premade as is, or if I should do 2 page layouts by themselves? what sells better or if your a buyer even , what are you looking for?

Orignal From: better to sell album with 20 premade pages or not?

OT - Winter Weather - HOW COLD IS IT?

It's so cold that.... …the words came out of our mouth in chunks of ice and we had to fry them to see what we said. It's so cold that .... I saw a politician on Capitol Hill this morning with his hands in his own pockets LOL What's the winter weather where you are? Is it cold where you live or are you in a warmer area of the world? I posted my weather ticker down below. You can get one too at the same place by putting in your zip code or town and country. ................................ Sharlotte - alt="Click for Council Grove, Kansas Forecast" height=60 width=468>

Orignal From: OT - Winter Weather - HOW COLD IS IT?

I would like to join a group. Any openings or help.

Hi everyone, I have been scrapping for years and love it. I sell lots of items relating to scrapbooking on ebay but my paper piecings are not really selling. I would like opinions on them, I think they are cute, what do you think? If I was in a group, would I sell more? Any ideas or help would be greatly appreciated! Donna aka "Scraporilla"

Orignal From: I would like to join a group. Any openings or help.

My Selling Page is weird...anyone else?

I just signed on to ebay and my selling page is weird. Is there a way to change it back? I hate it. It does not show me amount of bids or anything like that. Any help? Michelle aka Shell, MT, Mots

Orignal From: My Selling Page is weird...anyone else?

Thursday, July 16, 2009


Where does everyone get these beautiful charms in all the catagories. I just love the lantern on the camping layout that Scrapalina has on here. I have searched ebay and others and I can never find these charms like everyone gets on here. My grandaughter is a ballerina and I have seen several ballet charms on here on the premades but I can't find them. Any ideas where to get them????? Any of the nice charms as well?

Orignal From: Charms

Can I take money orders?

I have had a buyer request that I take a money order. Is this allowed since ebay changed payment methods accepted. I noticed that there are still some sellers that sell premade pages saying that they accept money orders. Thanks for any help in advance.

Orignal From: Can I take money orders?

Tear Bear Question

What type of glue do you use to glue your tear bears together? Thank You! Pet Peeve! Dirty Crocs! You can wash your crocs in the washing machine it won't hurt them. I was my DD all the time! Just don't put them in the dryer!

Orignal From: Tear Bear Question

I need some direction!

Can anyone steer me in the right direction to buy a decent machine that will emboss? I have the cricut expression for cutting, but need something to emboss paper. I am fairly new to scrapbooking, and all of the new tools out there, so any help would be appreciated.

Orignal From: I need some direction!

Can you identify this retired CM 12x12 album?

[IMG]Link[/IMG] Can any one help me with a name for this beautiful album? It is a dark plum colored coverset with silver detail. Can't seem to find info anywhere. Thanks

Orignal From: Can you identify this retired CM 12x12 album?

Paypal isn't working this morning????

I'm trying to print a label and an error message came up saying that paypal was 'down' at the moment. Try again later. Anyone else having problems?? joy2scrap (14707anne)

Orignal From: Paypal isn't working this morning????

QITM Design Team Looking For New Members

Hi, everyone! We're looking for a couple of new people at QITM-Quality in the Making Design Team. Here's our ad below. If you're interested, you can either leave a message below or contact me via message or email. We're a relatively small and close-knit group of scrappers who have become a family. We would love to have some new family join in on our fun The Copper Pea Blog

Orignal From: QITM Design Team Looking For New Members


Hello! I'm not sure this is even the best forum to post my question in, but here it goes! I'm considering purchasing one of the versions of Photoshop Elements, and the more I look at the different reviews, the more confused I become. Wondering if any of you ladies use Photoshop for your photo editing? In addition to the basic editing (cropping, etc...) I would also like a feature where you can somehow separate the main person or thing that the picture is of from the background. Or somehow blur the background. For instance, I have so many cute pics of my DD, but many times she is standing in the middle of her completely messy playroom or something and the background completely detracts from the photo. Know what I mean? Also I've seen photos in black and white, except for one element of the photo is in color. I'm sure there is a technical term for this, but I don't know it LOL! Are both of these features (along with the many other features) available in one of the Photoshop Elements versions? Thanks in advance for your help!

Orignal From: Photoshop?

HELP Scrap Room Intervention!!

I am ready to take all of my scrap stuff and set it out on the front lawn with a sign "FREE". My DH refuses to help me figure out how to place items in this room. He's so much better at putting slot A into tab B yet all he tells me is, "you just want me to do it for you!" or "There's too much stuff in here you need to take some stuff out or move it around." I tried to hang some baskets on the peg board today and the one on the far left kept falling. I can't seem to get it to work like it did in our old house. Plus everytime I try to hang a peg about a foot down they fall when I touch the items. Why isn't this thing working?! We rent so I can't hang it up in the same manner as our old house. Here's photos.....excuse the's how it stays that's why I don't scrap anymore!! Link Main work area view from door Link Rolling Cart and paper towers Link Closet Link Front of house closet is wall on left Link Wider view of closet embellishment area

Orignal From: HELP Scrap Room Intervention!!





My Favorites: Single Sheet Textured Cardstock (when it is on sale at Hobby Lobby 4/$1.00) Fabri-tac Adhesive (never thought to use it in my scrapbooks until someone on this board mentioned it) Glue dots Cutterbee Scissors (couldn't cut everything out without them) Coluzzle templates-Folders, mini envelopes, library card 3-D alphabet Stickers (black and white goes with any layout and I don't have to cut them out) Stickles Chipboard Alphabets (the ones you paint yourself) Why did I buy these : Cardstock variety Packs they have so many colors that I hardly, if ever, use Mini punches LOL Coluzzle Alphabets Alphabet Dies macking memories sticker Alphabets (I have 100's of sheet of them and never use them) Colored 3-D or chipboard Alphabets (I hardly ever have the right color and when I do I don't have the "E" I need.. I guess I could paint those too) LOL Decorative Edge Scissors I have used maybe 3 of the 20 that I have purchased Heidi Swap mini iron (I don't think I have ever used it) Quilling tools and paper Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery.

Orignal From: Scrapbooking

Has anyone else slowed down for summer already?

It seems like scrapbooking sales have slowed down earlier this year than usual. Maybe because of the economy. Anyone else noticed a difference this year? Have any of the manufacturers of new paper lines slowed down in their making of new lines of paper as well? Just curious.

Orignal From: Has anyone else slowed down for summer already?

Woo Hoo! Check out this Bargain Lot of Stuff!!!

I went to the Scrapbook Consignment Sale on Thursday and here's what I got for only $46.00: 40 sheets of white vellum Christmas pack of 10 papers, green chipboard letters, buttons 4 uniquely textured specialty cardstocks Grunge pack of 8 papers and pink chipboard letters Provo Craft Silent Punch Karen Foster wood framed eyelets A whole bunch (around 20 packs) of other eyelets

Orignal From: Woo Hoo! Check out this Bargain Lot of Stuff!!!

A question about blog links...

I know that I could just write to eBay, but I'm too impatient to wait for a reply , so I'm hoping someone may be able to help me... Can I include a link to my blog in my listings? I tried to find the answer on eBay and got this... Non-permitted links include, but are not limited to: Links to websites or pages that offer to trade, sell or purchase goods or services outside of eBay. This applies whether it is a static URL or an active link. Links to sites that solicit eBay User IDs, passwords or email addresses from buyers Links that encourage buyers to place their eBay bids through a site other than eBay Links or other connections to live chat systems Links to subscribe to newsletters or mailing lists hosted outside-of-eBay Am I correct to think that because my blog is not selling or soliciting sales outside of eBay, and there is no live chat there, I can use it in my listings. Does anyone know if this is allowed? A blog is pretty much a display of your work, and if eBay is the only venue that I use to sell my scrapbook pages, is it ok to mention it to people in my auction description? Shannon

Orignal From: A question about blog links...


Does anyone know if there is a program that will take samples of all your fonts so that you can print them and put them in a binder? I have been doing this one font at a time and I am a little over half way finished. I started yesterday. I have listened to Dean Koontz "Odd Thomas" from start to finish. I think thats 5 or so hours of doing this. LOL I just want to be able to look through my fonts. It takes me forever to find that perfect font for a layout using MS Word. T Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery.

Orignal From: Fonts

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

September Town Hall - PayPal

Hello everyone, It's time again for another Town Hall event. Tomorrow's event features Bill Cobb, President of eBay North America and Jeff Jordan, President of PayPal. They are going to take your questions on topics surrounding PayPal. Swing by the Town Hall page: Link tomorrow, Friday, September 16, 2005 at 10:00 AM PDT to submit a question and to listen in live to Bill and Jeff speak about how eBay and PayPal make a great combination for successful trading on eBay. Hope to have you all there. Best, Gianni eBay Community Development Team

Orignal From: September Town Hall - PayPal

Looking for a Charles Worthington product

called "results takeaways shine shine shine gloss and refresh spray" I don't think its made anymore and I cannot find it on ebay. Anyone who comes up with some please let me know. thanks

Orignal From: Looking for a Charles Worthington product

Proactive Repairing Lotion..

Has anybody bought Proactive Repairing lotion Unsealed? I just bought Repairing lostion from ebay. The guy advertizes for 2OZ and sells me 1OZ open bottle and claims that Proactive send him the lotion unsealed? WHat has been your experience.

Orignal From: Proactive Repairing Lotion..

Are they really discontinuing AVEDA CURESSENCE??????

Please tell my it's not true. I love this stuff for right after I get my hair colored. What other Aveda condioners are good? I don't care for the Cherry Almond.

Orignal From: Are they really discontinuing AVEDA CURESSENCE??????


Hi there, I colored my hair at home with a semi-perm stuff. I usually do it every 6 months or so just to color the tiny bit of gray. The drug store did not have my usual LIGHT Brown so I bought the MEDIUM Brown. I thought what the heck, it will not matter. Well I was WRONG. MY HAIR LOOKS ALMOST BLACK~!! YIKES, how can I get back my ugly mousey brown hair by tomorrow~!!!!???? Thanks,

Orignal From: HELP~!! MY HAIR IS TOO DARK~!!

mini strokes

please PLEASE..any information very much appreciated....symptoms before hand? after effects...ALL of desperate...TIA and kissykissy roomies

Orignal From: mini strokes

Bad Perfume

Hi, If someone can help me I appreciate it. I purchased a bottle of Chanel Coco Mademoiselle 3.4 oz 100 ml Large Perfume. It was a gift for a friend. She told me that after she opened it she knew that it had gone bad. Being the dumb guy that I am I never knew that could happen. Is the seller obligated to return my money? Thanks....

Orignal From: Bad Perfume

makeup and skin care

I am interested in starting a small business on ebay and was wondering if anyone knew where I can go to purchase Clinique products either full or samples at wholesale to buy in bulk i would think. Its there a certain web site to go on. Thanks

Orignal From: makeup and skin care

Gel Eyeliners. ??? Anyone try yet?

so im sittng here flipping thru Lucky magazine and come across a page talking about gel eyeliners. goes on like a liquid but not as harsh. u put it on with this flat brush. has anyone used this before? the ones they advertised are bobbi brown and stila. will it last as long as liquid?

Orignal From: Gel Eyeliners. ??? Anyone try yet?

Just curious...anyone tried RELACOR for weight loss?

Their ad states..."So if everyday life makes you stressed out and anxious...if you've been accumulating belly fat that just won't go away...if you're overeating in response to daily stress, and you're sick and tired of diet failure, it's time to try Relacor...the most significant advancement in belly fat control in more than a decade. Relacor is the natural anti-stress, mood elevating pill that can help positively alter the underlying cause of excess belly fat... leaving you happier, full of energy, and with that flat, youthful tummy you thought you'd never see again." Has anyone tried this and what were your results?

Orignal From: Just curious...anyone tried RELACOR for weight loss?

Can anyone recommend a good humidifier?

Hi. Hubby has a horrible sinus infection and bronchitis. He is on an inhaler and antibiotics. He is waking up in the morning with very dry sinuses. Nurse recommened a humidifier. I don't want an outrageously expensive one as we won't be using this on a daily basis......just while he is recovering to make him more comfortable. Can anybody recommend a good brand to get? Thanks in advance! Donna

Orignal From: Can anyone recommend a good humidifier?

Study proves benzoyl peroxide highly effective against acne

Link Benzoyl peroxide effective treatment for acne Medical Condition News Published: Monday, 20-Dec-2004 Results of a UK study in this week's issue of THE LANCET highlight how over the counter benzoyl peroxide (BEN-zoe-ill per-OX-ide) lotion is as good as prescription antibiotics for the treatment of mild to moderate facial acne. Benzoyl peroxide is primarily used in the treatment of acne vulgaris due to the antibacterial activity that these types of peroxides display. The drug is marketed under a variety of trade names in over 200 formulations. In treating patients with acne, the disappearance of acne coincides with the reduction of both the levels of P. acnes bacteria and free fatty acids. Benzoyl peroxide is absorbed in the skin where it is metabolized to benzoic acid and then excreted as benzoate in the urine. Side effects consist mainly of skin irritation including burning, blistering, crusting, itching, severe redness, and skin rash. Facial acne is common among adolescents; antibiotic tablet treatment has been used extensively over the past 40 years. Concerns exist about increasing antibiotic resistance, and few studies have compared the efficacy and costeffectiveness of different treatment options for acne?including the comparison of tablet antibiotics and antibiotic lotions with the antimicrobial treatment benzoyl peroxide. Hywel Williams and colleagues from the Universities of Nottingham and Leeds , UK, compared 5 treatment options for acne in a randomised trial involving around 650 participants. The treatments being compared were: the oral antibiotics oxytetracycline or minocycline, the topical antibiotic erythromycin, the antimicrobial lotion benzoyl peroxide, or a combination of topical erythromycin and benzoyl peroxide. Most improvement occurred in the first 6 weeks of treatment. Self-reported improvements after 18 weeks were similar in all 5 treatment groups. Professor Williams comments: "Differences in cost-effectiveness between regimens were large; the cheapest treatment (benzoyl peroxide) was 12 times more cost-effective than minocycline. We found that clinical efficacy of oral tetracyclines is compromised by pre-existing propionibacterial resistance. By contrast, topical regimens that included erythromycin and benzoyl peroxide were unaffected by resistance but were not superior to benzoyl peroxide alone." Link

Orignal From: Study proves benzoyl peroxide highly effective against acne

All My Lines Show!

I've recently tried Bare Escentuals mineral makeup. For the most part I like it, but may not be able to use it as it makes every line and wrinkle I have, show up! Any recommendations on how to avoid the "age display"? I'm 51.

Orignal From: All My Lines Show!

hey how is everyone?

Have a great day!

Orignal From: hey how is everyone?

Bean's Heat massage Gloves Great for at home massages

The newest at home massage is Bean's Heat Massage GLoves they are good for carpul tunnel and arthritis too. But you can massage your whole body with them. Why pay a spa get your spouse to do it. Best massage gloves out there

Orignal From: Bean's Heat massage Gloves Great for at home massages